SOS! PLEASE HELP US RAISE $190,000 URGENTLY NEEDED TO BUILD A NEW MISSION HOME IN BOLIVIA! Our ability to lift even more Bolivian young people out of poverty depends upon this. . .

Must reach fundraising goal: $190,000

So why do we suddenly need a new house? Read on. . .

The most transformative education and love

always begins in a home

For over 20 years in Bolivia, KTF has provided a home overflowing with education and love. 

The results have been powerful, especially for our higher education students coming from small villages or orphanages.

How they enter the Mission home: scared, uneducated, and overwhelmed. 

How they leave the Mission home: confident, highly educated, and ready to lead.

While the Mission home has been crucial to KTF’s success, KTF’s ability to provide that home is collapsing – literally. The 80 year old Mission home now has:

  • Walls that are cracking.

  • A foundation that is sinking.

  • Electrical and water systems that are failing  

A July 2024 professional structural analysis concluded that KTF has less than a year before living in the home becomes both “very dangerous and very expensive.” 

KTF owns the land the house is on, and that land is both solid and valuable. 

The plan: build a new home on the same land but a home that is sustainable for decades to come and that can accommodate all of our students. 

The cost: $190,000

When we need to start construction: in the next 2 months

This is the biggest and most urgent expense KTF has ever had and the future of KTF is on the line.  As always, we are keeping faith that God will provide the path forward.

This Christmas, please give extra generously to help KTF  build a new home

where education and love really do flourish

and cycles of poverty really do end in Bolivia!

Blessings in abundance to all, and keep the faith!!